Tuesday, June 30, 2009

At the Frontline for the July 4th Fundraiser

Email to Listserve 6.29.09

"Wow! That was a blast at Jen's baby shower, although a few of us were kind of lost (me, too...) at first. Sorry about the last minute change of venue because we learned of the "Dragonboats" event at Ala Moana Beach Park. We thought we would have problem with parking. In the process, we found a wonderful relatively quiet place to picnic which could become another regular spot.

As it was, it was a bigger group than I expected that came to give Jen and Justin's baby a warm welcome to the 3rd rock! There was tons of food and more aloha! Again, thanks, everyone, for the presents, the potluck dinner, the fun stories and most of all, the friendship that I know will take us through thick and thin.

It was unfortunate that Jodi couldn't come and join us. She had to work so we will have to find another time between July 8-12, to spend with Jodi before she moves to Seattle.

We welcome to our fold,
Lance Wallace, Nicole's new hubby who led us in saying grace; also Chris and Kaipo Kahapea and their brood. We take you into our hearts; we hope you will feel the same about us.

And now..... drum roll.... the last few days before July 4!

1. SET-UP CREW: attn:
George H, Chris Halsall, Chris Kahapea, Lance, Wayne, and many others who can help: Please be there at 9:30. We have canopies (so far, 3 small and 1 big); 10 tables, 40 chairs, grill, cylinders, etc.... to unload and set-up. Vi and ohana will be there to coordinate.
I cannot be there earlier than 11. My caregiver canceled on me so I have to take Britt along. Since I will be virtually useless to everybody but Britt, I am promoting myself to "supervisor" (Peter Principle). hahahaha.

2. FOOD:
Nancy and Tami are getting us more donations. Audrey is lending us coolers and water dispensers. And gallons of thanks to Kellie Kau and Armie Burkhard for their donations of hotdogs and condiments.

3. PRIZES: There's plenty in our stash inc.
a gently used surfboard! But please keep them coming. We have games and games galore so we need the prizes to reward the effort.

4. COUNTRY STORE: Pickled mangoes a-comin', thanks to Nancy's friend who donated more mangoes.
Nicole, thanks for the brownies-from-scratch! ono-licious! Armie, thanks for saying "yes" to anchoring the store!

Kathy "Awe'Connor" is keeping it close to the vest so I am intrigued... Anyone you know who has talent that needs to be displayed, please tell Kathy!

anything else I have missed????

oh yeah! HOW CAN I FORGET???


To date, we have disposed of 305 tickets. We have 195 left to go. Friends, we can do this!!!!!! Please ask five of your best friends to help us sell - I have: Thanks to MJ Amundson, Nora Trias, Cora Soriano, Rose Zabanal and Kem Lowry.

Also thanks to Jennie's lovely "sisters":
Patty Luke and Teri Wasano for helping us sell tickets.

My wonderful friends: I am proud of us: our dedication to our cause, our undying concern for our families that continue to be affected everyday by that awful illness, our commitment to making sure we find a cure to ALS so no more families will have to go through what we go through, and our friendship that allows us to share of ourselves unselfishly... May God bless us all as we share in His good work... Good night; tomorrow is another day of fun...xoxoxo"

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