Thursday, May 25, 2017

Godspeed, Pete Badua!

It is rare that we post deaths from among members of our Ohana who is not a pALS.  But Pete is an exceptional creature of love.  He was there for all of us, not only for Celeste Perkins - his wife, Vicky's sister - who died many years ago from complications of ALS.  He was always quiet on the sidelines, making his voice heard through his pictures, some of which he has shared with us on this blog site. He was an avid photographer obviously.  He saw in photography an articulate medium for his thoughts and he sure clicked away with great enthusiasm!

Pete passed away after a battle with leukemia, with Vicky, his loving wife by his side. Sometimes, our puny human strength gives way to the superior, sneaky attacks of illness. How we all know of that, having encountered our collective scourge, ALS, many, many painful times.  But what we also know exceptionally well is that while we are subject to the whims of these torments of mortals, OUR PEOPLE HAVE ALWAYS RISEN TO THE OCCASION, WITH DIGNITY AND GRACE.

Pete and Vicky are no exception. With uncommon grace and élan, they have persevered with love through the process of Pete's living with and dying of the cancer.  May we all share in their strength.

Our prayers for healing go to Vicky and their family.

And to Pete, may you rest in God's peace.

I am a better person to have known you in this life.