Sunday, October 31, 2010

Third Annual Vi and Peg's Trek at Koolau Ranch





It was the perfect morning for a walk up the beautiful trails of Koolau Ranch. Nancy picked me up on time and away we drove along the coast. It is not often that I am a passenger so I feasted on the scenery that Sunday morning. It was overcast, the sun refusing to get up early this Sunday morn. So we were thankful. When we got there a little past eight, they were already gathered around the small group up front led by the HURT organizers. Vi and Jan are in that small group. After the introductions, we were off.

You might say this series of pics is an essay on Nancy's back, charming ribbons hung on tree limbs, creatively and humorously stuck on fresh cow dung or expressively pointing in mute perfection at the direction we were supposed to take lest we tread on wrong trails. Obedience is in our DNA's so we never strayed. How could we? There were the helpful and delightfully costumed "ushers" along the way, including one with a cold water jug on a truck halfway through the route. We huffed and puffed up and down the trail until we hit the last bend into the parking lot and the awaiting group of trekkers. We were sure we weren't last but we didn't bother to check as we got to the sarong-decorated "finish line". We picked up our Tshirts and grub from the MDA crew and chitchatted with Paul, Larry and Gerri. Tried to help the crew start the very obstinate generator to no avail... so we ended up our morning, happy with exercise of the day done and meeting again with our old friends, the HURTs and reconnecting with Mommy Nature, still resplendent in quiet dignity along the shore.
Hasta la vista, we said. Till next year's trek!
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